Hector and Juan from spain present us ‚Japicamper‘, their Dacia Dokker Stepway.

Hector and Juan from spain 🇪🇸 present us ‚Japicamper‘, their Dacia Dokker Stepway.


🚗 What makes your camper special?

Every detail and corner has been done by us, without being very expert.
We have managed to make our furniture adopt various functionalities depending on the moment, keeping the rear seats, which are part of the bed base.


🚗 3 Fun facts:

– It is our only vehicle for daily transport to work and camper for our getaways.

– We love to rack our brains to get storage and functionality out of every space we have in our Japicamper, without having to homologate.

– Our bed assembly is anything but typical.

    🚗 What can’t be missing?

    The power station. In summer to keep the drinks in the fridge cool and in winter, for the bed warmer (electric blanket) and to sleep warm.

    🚗 What is completely unnecessary?

    The amount of torches and lights we carry 😅. Less would be enough.

    🚗 Team-Shovel oder Team-Toilet?

    Team-toilet – We have a handy folding potti, with rubbish bags to throw our stuff in and throw it in the nearest bin.

    🚗 Kitchen inside or outside?

    Both – We have a camping tent that can be used both inside and outside, sheltered from the wind and cold.

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